How Many Calories Does Skateboarding Burn | Estimate Precisely

Skateboarding is considered good physical exercise. If you do skateboarding regularly, you may not have to do any additional rigorous workouts to burn calories. You can burn around 230-240 KCal by skateboarding in 30 mins. The amount may vary with the way you ride and the types of skateboards you are riding.

In this post, you will get a clear idea about the method of calculating the number of calories burnt, some tips to lose weight by skateboarding and the health benefits of this sport. You will be able to calculate how many calories does skateboarding burns precisely as well.

Skateboarding is an effective form of exercise and it burns a pretty amount of calories. The amount of calories burnt depends on your activity level, types of skateboard you are riding and the condition of the terrain.

Why Skateboarding Is a Good Exercise – Both For Mental And Physical Health

Like many other sports, Skateboarding is a very good exercise both for mental and physical health. It makes you feel mentally better and develops a positive state of mind.

Skateboarding is a great sport for your physical core strength and the flexibility of your body. It also helps you lose weight.

Why Skateboarding Is Considered As A Good Exercise

  • Skateboarding improves your body balance, coordination and precision
  • Ensures a full-body workout, arms not so much unless you do hand plants.
  • Helps to strengthen the core muscles of your body

Concept Of MET (Metabolic Equivalents/Metabolic Equivalent Of Task)

A MET is a ratio of your working metabolic rate relative to your resting metabolic rate. Metabolic rate is the rate of energy exhausted per unit of time. This is a way to define the intensity of an exercise or activity of an average person.

1 MET is the energy you exhausted by sitting at rest/idle — your resting or basal metabolic rate. So, an activity with a MET valueOpens in a new tab. of 5 means you are exerting five times the energy than you would if you were taking rest.

How do we calculate the amount Of How Many Calories Does Skateboarding Burn

This calculation uses the MET value of Skateboarding. The MET value of Skateboarding is considered as 5.6.

You should multiply the MET value of skateboarding by the person’s body weight in kilograms. Then you should multiply this with 0.0175 and the duration in minutes.

For Example,



  • Weight of a person = 170 lbs

  • MET value of Skateboarding = 5.6

  • Time = 60 minutes

Amount of calories burned by skateboarding,

= (170/2.20462) x 5.6 x 60 x 0.0175

= 453 KCal

Comparison of Skateboarding With Other Outdoor Activities (Considering The Weight Of The Person Is 170 lbs)

Types of Outdoor ActivityMET ValueCalories Burned in 30 Minutes
Roller skating5.8235
Walking for exercise at 3.5 mph speed4.3170
Bicycling at speed of 12-13.9 mph8318
how many calories does skateboarding burn- learn to estimate precisely

Factors Affecting The Amount Of Calories Burnt Doing Skateboarding

  • Period of time spent skating along with regular exercise
  • The intensity of riding; the more intensively you ride, the more amount of calories will be burnt
  • Weight of the skateboard rider
  • Types of skateboards and the equipment used in skateboards. For example, you will spend more energy if you use polyurethane skateboard wheels instead of using metal wheels.
  • Condition of the surface or terrain where you are skateboarding

How The Types of Skateboard And Skateboard Equipment Affect The Amount Of Calories Burnt

Condition Of Wheels And Bearings

Hard wheels and rough bearings will lead you to push the skateboard more often. It will need you to give more effort. On the other hand, soft wheels and smooth bearings will cost you the least amount of strain and energy.

Riding A Longboard Vs Riding A Classic Freestyle Board

Longboards consist of large softer wheels and a normal/classic freestyle skateboard has small harder wheels. It is easy to ride a longboard and if your intention is to burn more calories by skateboarding, then you need to choose a normal skateboard.

Some Skateboarding Tips

Some Useful Tips To Burn More Calories By Skateboarding

  • Try intensive riding on a rough terrain
  • Install the trucks on the skate deck properly. Use harder wheels with rough bearings.
  • Expend more time in skateboarding consistently
  • Work on being a skillful rider. Try Different types of tricks and turns
  • Maintain a healthy diet. This will help you to increase your metabolism

For More Information You Can Check The Video

FAQ On ‘How Many Calories Does Skateboarding Burn’

Does Skateboarding Help To Lose My Belly Fat?

Yes! Of course. Skateboarding is not only a recreational activity. If you intend to burn calories by skateboarding, it will help to lose your belly fat as well. Skateboarding is almost as effective as jogging.

Does Skateboarding Help To Build Up My Muscles?

Definitely! Skateboarding is not only a good exercise but also helps you to get ripped.

Which Type of Skateboard Should I Use If I Want To Expend More Calories?

Try to use freestyle/normal skateboards with harder and smaller wheels. It will force you to give more effort while riding and lead you to burn more calories.


I'm Lisa, the owner and creative behind the scenes at Skateboard Ride. I've been skateboarding for over 30 years and LOVE teaching and helping others to get involved in skateboarding, longboarding & longboard paddling.

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