How You Can Lose Weight by Skateboarding

Did you know that skateboarding can help you lose weight? It’s true! Skateboarding is an excellent way to burn calories and improve your fitness level. When you think of skateboarding, the first thing that comes to mind is probably not weighted loss. That’s probably because it isn’t a common way to lose weight. But, remember that skateboarding is an exercise that can burn up to 300 calories after skating for 60 minutes. It depends on a person’s weight, age, and intensity. Even if you skate hard, like doing technical tricks that can burn more calories.

You won’t notice the changes immediately, but putting on some padding and hopping on your board for an hour every week will lead to major improvements after just a few months. Strap on your helmet and get ready to shred some calories by skating! Lets Goooo!

How to lose weight by skateboarding

Skateboarding is not an effective way to lose weight but it’s a fun way to lose weight. There are several ways in which skating can help you lose weight, increase your cardio fitness, and strengthen your muscles.

Skateboarding is all about physical and mental exercise that helps to feel free to refresh the mind. You may be wondering how skateboarding can help you lose weight. We’ll get into the details below, but here are 3 reasons why skateboarding can help you lose weight:

– Skateboarding improves your overall health.

– It increases your metabolism.

– You can do it almost anywhere.

Why you should start skating to lose weight

Losing weight by Skateboarding is a great choice for those people who feel bored going to gyms and working out. Weight is just one number of many that contribute to health. Some effective ways to choose to skate: 

– Skateboarding is fun and challenging!

– It can be done alone or with friends.

– It’s good for your mental health as well as your physical health.

– It’s an excellent way to get outside and enjoy the weather.

– It increases your stamina.

– It burns calories!

– It improves both your focus and balance at the same time.

The benefits of skateboarding for weight loss

Now that we’ve talked about how skateboarding can help you lose weight and some tips on how to skate to lose weight, let’s talk about the benefits of skateboarding for weight loss.

– Skateboarding improves your overall health.

– It increases your metabolism.

– You can do it almost anywhere.

These benefits, as well as others, make skateboarding an excellent way to lose weight. Combine these benefits with a healthy diet and regular exercise, and you can definitely lose weight by skateboarding. There are many ways to lose weight, and skateboarding is definitely one of them. If you make skating a part of your regular fitness plan, you’ll be able to lose weight and get fit in no time.

Tips to lose weight while skating

Let’s talk about how you can actually start losing weight with skateboarding. This isn’t an easy thing to do; in fact, it’s not a difficult process. By skating regularly, you can definitely lose weight. You need to make sure to skate with the right gear, skate as often as you can, and make healthy food choices.

– Make sure to wear the right gear.

– Skate as often as you can.

– Make healthy food choices.

– Stay hydrated.

– Skate with friends.

Make sure to do all of the above to lose weight through skating. Beyond that, however, there’s not a lot else you can do. That’s because skateboarding alone isn’t enough to help you lose weight. You need to combine regular skating sessions with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and a comprehensive weight loss plan. So, if you want to lose weight by skateboarding, you have to put in the effort. It’s not going to happen by itself.


We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading our article on how you can lose weight by skateboarding. We want to remind you that skateboarding alone won’t help you lose weight. You have to skate regularly, make healthy food choices, drink plenty of water, and include regular exercise in your daily routine. If you do these things, you’ll be able to lose weight by skateboarding. In fact, you’ll be able to lose weight with almost any sport, as long as you follow the right plan!


I'm Lisa, the owner and creative behind the scenes at Skateboard Ride. I've been skateboarding for over 30 years and LOVE teaching and helping others to get involved in skateboarding, longboarding & longboard paddling.

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